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Patented Solutions, Inventions and Innovations

patent Active research and development of new products is the basic pre-assumption for their consequent practical success at clients. The solutions created by us and protected by patents, utility and industrial designs are a base of progress, technical level and high utility value of our products.

Our creative activities continue to develop and their results are protected on national as well as on international level. This is proved mainly by technical solutions registered for protection not only in national patent system, but also in regional patent systems, like e.g. European patent system, international system of inventions protection PCT, etc.

Just get acquainted with some of our technical solutions that changed the utility value of sterilisation devices and other our products.

Utility Designs, Patents and Applications for Inventions

  • Steam steriliser chamber casing
    - American patent number: US 7645429
    - European patent number: EP 1768711
  • Door closing and securing mechanism
    - Czech patent number: 305269
    - European patent number: EP2918759
    - American patent number: 10184282

Utility Models

  • Method of pulse control of revolutions of a fan with asynchronous engine
  • Vacuum drying case with chamber and heated walls
  • Layout of testing space of a case of samples testing