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Reference in Molem Hospital, Sudan

Most African countries still fight poverty and critical lack of financial means needed for development of society, infrastructure and public service. So it is no wonder that the African countries – except for the SAR and the north of the continent – aim at purchase of cheap products from India and China that are financially affordable for them. Some countries count with foreigner help and supplies of equipment financed from the means of international aid to developing countries. That is why it is not easy to find a territory with sufficient number of clients willing to pay for top-class and – from their point of view – expensive sterilization and simultaneously find a business partner in that country, interested in specialisation in sales of the high-quality equipment which is hard-to-reach for most of the clients.

Sudan is one of the countries belonging to the category of developing territories, where we succeeded to make the first step in sales development. After prolonged and extensive negotiations we succeeded to sell through our business partner Omnia Medical to the private Molem Hospital in Khartum the equipment, including steam sterilizers STERIVAP® and UNISTERI®, formaldehyde sterilizer FORMOMAT, ultrasound washer ULTRAMATIC, washing disinfector UNICLEAN SL, package welding machine STERIPAK and several units of stainless steel furniture. So this is a project of complete supply of equipment for central sterilization unit in that hospital.

The project should open the door for us to other private and state hospitals in Sudan, considering replacement of steam sterilizers. The level of process organization in Sudan hospitals is generally on very low level yet. The percent of nosocomial infections in prestigious state hospitals is approximately 10x higher compared to Germany and the central sterilization unit usually consists of one room only, containing two sinks and five vertical laboratory steam sterilizers suitable only for drum tool containers. Consequently, sterile material is dispatched to surgery halls via highly infectious environment with high contamination risks. That is why there are huge chances for improvement and the example of the Molem Hospital or increased activities of our competitors in Sudan indicate that Sudan has been open to new methods in the field of sterilization and that it represents an interesting challenge for us in the forthcoming years.

07. 02. 2017